Monday, September 19, 2011

Birthday boy!

Yesterday was Pat's birthday. 25, woohoo! We had a really nice, relaxing day full of yummy food, presents, and lots of laughing. I had been asking Zoe for the past few weeks what she wanted to get Daddy for his birthday and her answer always remained the same: "Balloons!!" She wanted a house full of balloons. And not just the helium kind, but piles of balloons that she and Pat could play with. I took her to the dollartree and let her pick a few birthday balloons out, and also came home with 4 bags of balloons. I stayed up after feeding Landon at 4am, and sat on the living room floor blowing up balloons. All 45 of them. I wish I had taken some pictures of how covered our tiny apartment is, but I sadly did not.

After pondering what to get Pat for his birthday for a solid month, I was still at a loss. I had bought a Lids giftcard (hat store), which only made me grumpier about the huge, sloppy pile of hats on top of Pat's dresser. They're always driving me crazy, so about a week ago I came up with the brilliant idea of getting HIM a present that would really make ME happy! ;) But 'hat-rack' shopping is not easy. At all. I couldn't find anything that I liked, or that seemed right, which is when I took on the task of making one myself.

I went to home depot and bought a slab of finished, white wood. I then found the perfect hooks, some 'save a puzzle' paint, and went to work finding pictures of different sports teams that he likes. This project was seriously so fun. Now I'm looking for something else "Mod Podge"!

Glue is drying. Haven't added hooks yet.


We also had the opportunity this week to visit a handsome, big newborn boy and his parents in the hospital this week. Landon, Zoe and I met Pat at work (just down the hall from where the mom's room was) and then we went to meet the new little guy. I loved cuddling with him, and then having his big brother (one of Zoe's best buds) over a few times. I decided that letting her invite friends over is going to be happening much more now, I was a little scared of the idea before. She just had so much fun, and they entertained themselves for an entire 30 minutes! Unheard of around here.


  1. LOVE that hat rack. Now help me find an idea like that for Michael's birthday in a few weeks!! I'm desperate.

    P.S. that picture of Zoe and her little friend is super cute. That's one she will look back at and vaguely remember her little friend and the fun they had.

  2. I should do that for Curtis' hats!! He has so many and he just throws them on any, and every, piece of furniture in my house >.<
