Friday, May 20, 2011

Passing time

With school over and the extreme job hunting we've been doing, I've been going a little crazy. If my kids don't keep me up enough at night, the stress from trying to figure things out is doing a great job at it too.

Pat got his first job offer today, working at the hospital as a food service... person. I don't really know what the official job title is. It's only a part time position, so he wouldn't be making enough for me to do my clinicals yet. But I'm grateful for it. I went to a job interview today for this company and was offered the job on the spot. I haven't fully accepted yet, and am kind of hoping I don't have to. It's VERY low pay and VERY hard, dirty work. And when I say dirty... well, it will be dirty.

Despite all the application filling out, interview preparing, interview going craziness that has been going on over here, we have found time to get a little fun in for all 3 of my cute kids. Yes, I said 3:

I don't have anything very fun to write about, so I'll just post a few pictures for all the poor people that don't get to see these darling faces every day.


  1. Oh heavens, I am DYING to see those cute kids. Miss you all.

  2. Cowboy boots and shorts. What a fashionista!
