Sunday, December 4, 2011

Super Boy and Rainbow Girl

Life has just been moving right along. We have just over a week until we head to Phoenix to board a plane to Connecticut. I wish I would have been just a LITTLE smarter when I bought the tickets for our trip. For some crazy reason I bought tickets for the day after our finals week starts, because I knew that Pat's last final was on the night of the 12th, so that we could catch a plane the morning of the 13th. What I didn't consider was the fact that all 6 of my online classes would be "opening" their finals to us on the 12th. Meaning I will have one day to take all of my finals, while being a mom and packing and then driving to Phoenix at about 9pm that night. I am praying I can accomplish all of this as smoothly as possible!

Zoe went to her BFF's birthday party yesterday, which she has been waiting for all month long. And what a birthday party it was!

Landon has been so fun to watch lately. He's starting to mimic all kinds of words and sounds, and has been saying, "bye-bye", obviously "ma-ma" and "da-da", "wha!?" (aka: what!?) along with a few others, and is a great little walker now, but still prefers to crawl. So exciting to watch both of our kids learn and grow every day!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

We celebrated Thanksgiving a day early this year, due to Pat's work schedule. Although he did have to work yesterday, he was off in the late afternoon, compared to today where he won't be off until the kid's are in bed. I cooked my first turkey, and we had a wonderful evening with our little family which helped me not miss my BIG family too much--although I do still wish we were there today.

The semester is very close to being over, and I am one happy girl about that! While all online classes have allowed me to be home with my kids more often, they have been a nightmare in just about every other way. Throughout a normal semester, there are holidays, ill teachers and other reasons for class to be cancelled or for a little less homework one week but online classes haven't given me any of those small perks. I received this e-mail from my American History instructor today: "Just wanted to say that I will not be getting on my computer or checking e-mails for the rest of the week, but just wanted to remind you all to get this week's material finished and turned in even though it is a holiday weekend. Have a nice weekend." LUCKY!  >:-(

We have been slowly getting our christmas decorations up around the house, and although we don't have a fireplace to hang our stockings from, we have a wall shelf that is near our christmas tree. I started hunting for stocking hangers about a month ago and was really disappointed by the selection I found, and the idea of spending over $40 to buy four. So, my creative juices started flowing. $2 worth of wood and hooks later plus a little paint, wrapping paper scraps and ribbon--we now have these!

Happy holidays!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Polar Express!

A few months ago, Pat and I decided we wanted to do something a little different for Landon and Zoe's "BIG" Christmas gift this year, and bought tickets for The Polar Express, in northern Arizona. Zoe has been in love with the movie for a few years, and we wanted to get away from Thatcher for a few days and check out NAU (that's a story for another time...). Can I just say that I am sooo glad we got the chance to take this little vacation!? It was just what we needed!

Both kids had been very ill about a week before our trip was planned, and I was actually dreading our few days away from home. I imagined the 5+ hour car ride to be full of screaming, coughing, puking and... more screaming. It was actually the complete opposite. Somehow, the 5 hours in the car were more peaceful than the 2 hour trip we make to Tucson often.

We had originally booked a hotel room in Williams, but later found out that my SIL's grandfather owns a cabin that was vacant for the winter, and were told we could use it. Best thing ever! Instead of all being crammed into a hotel room, and trying to tiptoe around while Landon naps, and all the other not-so-fun things that go along with hotels, we were able to enjoy a snow filled yard, a warm, cozy fireplace, had a LOT of space, appliances to cook our own meals. Heaven!

We slept in the first morning we were there, and then played in the snow while Pat went to the grocery store. Both kids were exhausted from the snow playing, and decided they would take nice, loooong naps.

After exploring the cute little town of Williams,

we then headed back to the cabin to change into our PJs and off to the Polar Express we went!

Zoe was on cloud 9. Not only were we waiting to board a train (which she has wanted to do her "WHOLE LIFE!!"), but there was a really fun gift shop to walk around, an area were you could go get pictures taken with Mrs. Clause and write letters to Santa.

Finally it was time to board the train! We were served cookies and hot chocolate, went through a "magic tunnel", were read the story of the polar express, and then pulled up to the North Pole!

Santa boarded the train, and we passed the time waiting for him to go through all the other cars by singing Christmas songs.

And then Santa came! It was so cute to see all the kids faces light up as he stopped to chat with each of them and give them their bells. 

We had such a good time, and can't wait to go again! And what a perfect way to kick off the Christmas season (even though it is a bit early), after coming home from our little vacation, we couldn't help but put the Christmas tree and some decorations up. :)

A few random pictures:

I did not want to leave...

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

As promised!

After being hassled ( ;P ) by my sister, I am finally going to take a few minutes to sit down and write a quick update. And what better time to do it than when I am sitting at home, as worried as can be and trying to pass the time. Pat came home early from work this evening to take Landon to the Emergency Room. Weren't they just there!? I guess it has been a few months. It hasn't been confirmed yet, but I am 99% sure that my sweet little guy has croup. 

While I know we are promised no more than we can handle, I seriously feel I'm just about at my limit. Please oh please can this be it for awhile? I know I have needed to learn to be thankful for what we DO have and not harbor on all the bad things, but I think I've learned my lesson. 

Both kids have been sick, sleepless and uncomfortable on and off for the last few weeks, ranging from teething pain to full on throwing up, high fever, coughing. Taking care of them has filled up my days and nights very well, pushing me farther and farther behind in school. Throw a heap of financial stress on top of that, and that turns me into a not very fun person to be around. BUT! I am so grateful for the fact that things could be much worse, but aren't. I'm grateful for our amazing families, and all the love and support they give us. I could go on and on. I won't though.

Now, a few quick pictures.

I sadly didn't get very many pictures from Halloween night. Zoe wanted to dress up as Tinkerbell, so we went around that theme with Landon being Peter Pan and Pat and I were pirates. 

Really don't like this one, but the only picture I got of Pat.

Could they get any cuter!?

I have such a hard time getting Zoe to do a "normal" smile when the camera comes out.

My horrible attempt at a pirate face. ;)

A good shot of the beautiful, fairy wings. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Dancing Queen

Zoe started her dance class yesterday! Highlight of the month over here.

I apologize for the poor picture quality, but sitting across the room and snapping pictures on my phone is about the best I could do. She was so cute though (a given). And such a little show off (also a given).

The only other exciting thing we have going on over here is that Pat's brother, Rob, is coming to visit this weekend, which we are SO excited for.

Okay, okay. You've talked me into it.

This entry wouldn't be complete without a Landon update. Landon is now waving goodbye, saying "hhhiiiiii" or "hhheeeeyyyyy" to anything from dolls, reflections of himself, pictures on the refrigerator. You name it. He also loves to 'walk', while Zoe is holding one hand and I hold the other. Such a big kid!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

If only I could just...

CRAFT! All day.

I rewarded myself with about 10 minutes of browsing Pinterest (the DIY section) after finishing an online test and I feel like my head is going to explode. Pure torture, looking at all these amazing ideas but knowing I don't have the time, money or house to do all (or really any) of these things.

I wish I could be majoring in "craft making" at EAC right now, instead of all these classes I am taking instead. Is that... weird? Maybe--but it would be a dream come true.

I really do love this. I'm already planning how I will stay up late next week to finish school work faster to make time to do this with Zoe. Perfect playroom wall art.

Halloween wreath that glows in the dark, thanks to "Glow in the Dark ModPodge". Awesome.

I wish I had a nice house to be able to put this up and not seem crazy.

Amazing idea. Melt broken crayons down and put inside an empty glue stick. A huge crayon that can be pushed up as it becomes smaller. 

Can't decide if I like this one better or not.

Made from toilet paper rolls! Very fun.

Who wants to do my homework and donate to the "Carly Craft Fund"!?! Oh and maybe babysit while I work too. ;)

Monday, September 19, 2011

Birthday boy!

Yesterday was Pat's birthday. 25, woohoo! We had a really nice, relaxing day full of yummy food, presents, and lots of laughing. I had been asking Zoe for the past few weeks what she wanted to get Daddy for his birthday and her answer always remained the same: "Balloons!!" She wanted a house full of balloons. And not just the helium kind, but piles of balloons that she and Pat could play with. I took her to the dollartree and let her pick a few birthday balloons out, and also came home with 4 bags of balloons. I stayed up after feeding Landon at 4am, and sat on the living room floor blowing up balloons. All 45 of them. I wish I had taken some pictures of how covered our tiny apartment is, but I sadly did not.

After pondering what to get Pat for his birthday for a solid month, I was still at a loss. I had bought a Lids giftcard (hat store), which only made me grumpier about the huge, sloppy pile of hats on top of Pat's dresser. They're always driving me crazy, so about a week ago I came up with the brilliant idea of getting HIM a present that would really make ME happy! ;) But 'hat-rack' shopping is not easy. At all. I couldn't find anything that I liked, or that seemed right, which is when I took on the task of making one myself.

I went to home depot and bought a slab of finished, white wood. I then found the perfect hooks, some 'save a puzzle' paint, and went to work finding pictures of different sports teams that he likes. This project was seriously so fun. Now I'm looking for something else "Mod Podge"!

Glue is drying. Haven't added hooks yet.


We also had the opportunity this week to visit a handsome, big newborn boy and his parents in the hospital this week. Landon, Zoe and I met Pat at work (just down the hall from where the mom's room was) and then we went to meet the new little guy. I loved cuddling with him, and then having his big brother (one of Zoe's best buds) over a few times. I decided that letting her invite friends over is going to be happening much more now, I was a little scared of the idea before. She just had so much fun, and they entertained themselves for an entire 30 minutes! Unheard of around here.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Trying to catch my breath...

I wish time could slow down a little. I feel like these past few weeks have been stuck on fast forward, and I just can't seem to catch up.

A few weeks ago, Pat started his new schedule at work, which means all of us waking up at 5am to drive Pat to work, then coming home and getting ready to take Zoe to preschool, then back home for Landon to take a nap, back out to get Zoe, home for lunch and another nap for Landon, then out to pick Pat up from work. Whew! Makes me tired just reading that. ;) Despite the craziness of the first half of our days, I have been enjoying having Pat home to have dinner with us and help put the kids to bed.

I have been struggling to get into a good routine this semester. As much as I want to believe that I live in this perfect world where my home is always clean, my dishes are always done, laundry always clean and put away... I am beginning to come to terms with the idea that those things are going to have to be overlooked for the time being while I try to get school under control and keep an eye on my babies that are just growing up before my eyes!

Zoe is still loving preschool and has been a great helper with little chores that she asks me to give her (thanks to her sticker chart). As I went to pick her up from preschool today, I was sitting in the car watching for them to come out, when I see a large group of kids run around from the backyard of the house. I was excitedly watching for Zoe, to see which kids she was playing with... I kept watching and didn't see her anywhere, until finally one of her teachers comes slowly walking around the corner behind the rest of the kids. Of course I'm not surprised to see Zoe chatting with Ms. Tia like they are best buds. They are laughing and talking as they slowly make their way to the front of the house. She has always seemed to prefer adults more than other kids, which I guess is okay... She's just an old soul. ;)

Landon now has 2 teeth, and is back to his normal, happy, healthy self. Thank goodness! But he still loves to hang out in the middle of the night, which I don't see stopping anytime soon. He has been pulling himself up and standing in his crib lately (during naps and night), but after having fallen backward and hit his head a few times, he is scared to let himself drop to his bum which then leads to a very angry, frustrated yell. The best part? How tired he gets after holding himself up and yelling. :D

Monday, August 29, 2011

This past week has been filled with school:

a lot of playing:

a nice visit with some friends, hours upon hours spent in front of the computer screen (for school), the whole family getting sick, Landon taking extra long to get better, visiting daddy at work:

discovering Landon FINALLY got his first tooth, hooray! Sadly, no picture. Is that even possible? He barely lets me peak at it.

And we ended the week with a way-too-short visit to Tucson, so that we could see Uncle Cory before he heads off to Idaho for school. It seemed like it had been forever since we'd been back to visit everyone (a whole month!) so it was nice, just not enough time--like always! :)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Let the semester begin!

Our fall classes are in full swing! And boy do I have an exciting semester ahead of me. I don't think I realized what I was getting myself into, when I signed up for 6 online classes. I had been originally planning on doing a few online, and a few on campus but couldn't work that out, around Pat's work and school schedule, so here I am! The first few times I logged on to my WebStudy portal, I felt like crying as about 2 dozen alerts popped up, telling me about my upcoming assignments, lectures, quizzes and exams. But I will be okay. I'm hoping we can find a good baby sitter to come over once a week for a few hours, while I run off to the library to do school work.

Pat had his first class last night, which he is really excited about. It's at the fire station, and is a combined Fire Science and Fire Operations class, so it's going to be pretty intense, but it's something he loves, and I'm sure he'll do great.

After Pat's class ended, he came home and picked up Landon, to take him to the Emergency Room at about 9pm. (Can I just say how awesome it is that Pat works at the hospital!? They treated my baby extra well, since Pat knows all the nurses and doctors in the ER. Pat was approached by numerous hospital employees today, checking up on Landon and wanting details on how his night was and how he seemed today. Awesome!) The poor little guy had a major ear infection and a high fever. Which of course has been accompanied by a cough and runny nose. I feel so guilty for having brushed it off for a week, assuming it was just teething. He's so miserable. :(

I'm feeling a little Zombie-ish from spending all night in a rocking chair the past few nights, and I think this little bug is making it's way to me now. Hopefully we can get rid of it before it does any more harm.

Hope the school year is starting out well for everyone else! I'm off to work on my virtual pile of homework. (Did I use the word virtual correctly? Not sure if that's the word I was looking for... Hmph.) Goodnight.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Zoe starts preschool!

Today was the big day! Zoe woke us up this morning, jumping up and down while shouting, "I'M SO EXCITED FOR SCHOOL! I'M SO EXCITED FOR SCHOOL!"

While I know that having your 3-1/2 year old away for a few hours doesn't seem like a huge deal, it sure felt like a huge deal to me. I have only been away from Zoe for a few short periods of time, and even during those times she was most likely at home with Pat, or with a few other select relatives. She has never been dropped off at a friend's house for a playdate, because I always end up staying too. You get the picture.

I just didn't like the idea of not being able to know everything she was doing, if she was behaving, what she was learning, all the silly things she did or said, if she sang along during singing time, if she was shy or outgoing, if she played trucks with the boys or dolls with the girls, if she remembered what I told her about not talking about things that we only do in the bathroom. I was very excited for her though, because I know how much she loves being around other kids, and how quickly she can get bored being at home all day.

Despite the big knot in my stomach, her first day went perfectly. She picked out her own outfit, asked me if I would curl her hair, brushed her own teeth and then picked out her bright yellow sandals (instead of her pink ones) to go with her brown and pink outfit. :)

In the 2.5 hours she was gone, I was able to make a quick trip to the grocery store, unload the groceries, snuggle with Landon, put him down for a nap, workout and shower! I could get used to this.

I wish I had taken a picture of her as she was running out to me afterwards: construction paper crown slipping down into her eyes, beaming smile, racing to show me the candy that she was rewarded at the end of the day for staying in the 'green zone'. So proud of my little girl!

Now if only she could be this enthusiastic about every school year for the next 18+ years! :D

Sunday, August 7, 2011

A few old pictures

Finally found my camera cable, and of course now I'm having trouble uploading pictures. I did upload a few good ones though.

Cuddling with Aunt Bridget.

Swimming lessons
Practicing breathing with her teacher.

At the Desert Museum. This is her favorite part, and we have to get a picture of her on it every time we come. 

Enjoying the shade in Aunt Bridget's hat at the Desert Museum.

Playing at Nana and Papa's house.

Three cute, super hero cousins at Nana and Papa's house.

I can't believe the summer is coming to an end! Well, not the heat (which is what I associate summer with) but the whole no-school-thing. Pat and I just finished registering for classes this past week, and Zoe starts preschool in THREE DAYS! Crazy, crazy.

I am so excited that I was able to sign up for all online classes (hopefully), because I just LOVE being home with my sweet little kiddies. While some moments are rough (I was actually a little jealous of Pat this morning as he was getting dressed and ready for work. I was really wishing that I could switch with him for the day, and that it would be totally fine when I show up at work, instead of him.), I really do love it.

Landon is growing up so quickly, and I just can't believe it. While he still doesn't have any teeth yet (bummer), he is crawling all over the house, sitting up perfectly, eating lots of big boy food, making all kinds of new sounds, sleeping better (most nights) and just the best little guy.

Enjoying grass for the first time. 

Always smiling! :D
I have just recently started a new... what can I call it? Chapter? Sure, chapter of motherhood. And it is proving to be quite challenging. Zoe has always been very fond of Landon, but now that he is becoming more vocal and mobile, things are slowly beginning to change. There have been many mornings where Landon is playing in his saucer, just as happy as can be, when I can hear Zoe stomping out of the playroom, to the room that he is in and yells (with hands on hips), "LANDON--PLEASE!!". This would be due to the loud, high-pitched screaming that he does when he's enjoying himself. 

Also, now that he can get around more, she will be quietly playing/coloring and he zooms right over to what she's doing and starts trying to eat her toys or crumples up her coloring books. So far, instead of getting too angry about it, Zoe has taken on a little mommy role, and is really good about running over to the baby toy bin and finding a toy for him, instead of the one he took from her. Or she drags him across the floor by his feet so that she has time to gather her stuff up off the ground and get it all up on the sofa or table, where he can't reach it. I'm glad she is usually so sweet and understanding about it, and am hoping that won't change anytime soon! 

This afternoon, after changing Landon on his bedroom floor, I got up to throw the diaper away in another room, and came back to Zoe scurrying down the hall with an armful of toys, where she then ran into their bedroom and closed the door. After listening for a minute outside the door and hearing them happily playing together, I rushed off to get some laundry folded. I was expecting to only have a minute or two, but instead about 5 minutes passed with nothing but happy sounds coming from behind the closed door. After folding the entire basket of laundry, I just couldn't help myself and had to peak in. 

Hahah! I was shocked to see no huge messes, and how happy they both were. I wouldn't mind more moments like these throughout the day. :)