Monday, August 29, 2011

This past week has been filled with school:

a lot of playing:

a nice visit with some friends, hours upon hours spent in front of the computer screen (for school), the whole family getting sick, Landon taking extra long to get better, visiting daddy at work:

discovering Landon FINALLY got his first tooth, hooray! Sadly, no picture. Is that even possible? He barely lets me peak at it.

And we ended the week with a way-too-short visit to Tucson, so that we could see Uncle Cory before he heads off to Idaho for school. It seemed like it had been forever since we'd been back to visit everyone (a whole month!) so it was nice, just not enough time--like always! :)


  1. *peek* ;)

    I love all of these pictures. They look kind of like old school film pictures. Zoe looks absolutely gorgeous in that first picture. And Landon looks almost like a toddler with that cute hat on.

    I'm jealous you guys got to go to Tucson - even if it's just for the weekend. Missssss youuu!

  2. cory is a college student now?!?!?
    oh man. i am officially old!
