Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Trying to catch my breath...

I wish time could slow down a little. I feel like these past few weeks have been stuck on fast forward, and I just can't seem to catch up.

A few weeks ago, Pat started his new schedule at work, which means all of us waking up at 5am to drive Pat to work, then coming home and getting ready to take Zoe to preschool, then back home for Landon to take a nap, back out to get Zoe, home for lunch and another nap for Landon, then out to pick Pat up from work. Whew! Makes me tired just reading that. ;) Despite the craziness of the first half of our days, I have been enjoying having Pat home to have dinner with us and help put the kids to bed.

I have been struggling to get into a good routine this semester. As much as I want to believe that I live in this perfect world where my home is always clean, my dishes are always done, laundry always clean and put away... I am beginning to come to terms with the idea that those things are going to have to be overlooked for the time being while I try to get school under control and keep an eye on my babies that are just growing up before my eyes!

Zoe is still loving preschool and has been a great helper with little chores that she asks me to give her (thanks to her sticker chart). As I went to pick her up from preschool today, I was sitting in the car watching for them to come out, when I see a large group of kids run around from the backyard of the house. I was excitedly watching for Zoe, to see which kids she was playing with... I kept watching and didn't see her anywhere, until finally one of her teachers comes slowly walking around the corner behind the rest of the kids. Of course I'm not surprised to see Zoe chatting with Ms. Tia like they are best buds. They are laughing and talking as they slowly make their way to the front of the house. She has always seemed to prefer adults more than other kids, which I guess is okay... She's just an old soul. ;)

Landon now has 2 teeth, and is back to his normal, happy, healthy self. Thank goodness! But he still loves to hang out in the middle of the night, which I don't see stopping anytime soon. He has been pulling himself up and standing in his crib lately (during naps and night), but after having fallen backward and hit his head a few times, he is scared to let himself drop to his bum which then leads to a very angry, frustrated yell. The best part? How tired he gets after holding himself up and yelling. :D

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