Sunday, August 7, 2011

A few old pictures

Finally found my camera cable, and of course now I'm having trouble uploading pictures. I did upload a few good ones though.

Cuddling with Aunt Bridget.

Swimming lessons
Practicing breathing with her teacher.

At the Desert Museum. This is her favorite part, and we have to get a picture of her on it every time we come. 

Enjoying the shade in Aunt Bridget's hat at the Desert Museum.

Playing at Nana and Papa's house.

Three cute, super hero cousins at Nana and Papa's house.

I can't believe the summer is coming to an end! Well, not the heat (which is what I associate summer with) but the whole no-school-thing. Pat and I just finished registering for classes this past week, and Zoe starts preschool in THREE DAYS! Crazy, crazy.

I am so excited that I was able to sign up for all online classes (hopefully), because I just LOVE being home with my sweet little kiddies. While some moments are rough (I was actually a little jealous of Pat this morning as he was getting dressed and ready for work. I was really wishing that I could switch with him for the day, and that it would be totally fine when I show up at work, instead of him.), I really do love it.

Landon is growing up so quickly, and I just can't believe it. While he still doesn't have any teeth yet (bummer), he is crawling all over the house, sitting up perfectly, eating lots of big boy food, making all kinds of new sounds, sleeping better (most nights) and just the best little guy.

Enjoying grass for the first time. 

Always smiling! :D
I have just recently started a new... what can I call it? Chapter? Sure, chapter of motherhood. And it is proving to be quite challenging. Zoe has always been very fond of Landon, but now that he is becoming more vocal and mobile, things are slowly beginning to change. There have been many mornings where Landon is playing in his saucer, just as happy as can be, when I can hear Zoe stomping out of the playroom, to the room that he is in and yells (with hands on hips), "LANDON--PLEASE!!". This would be due to the loud, high-pitched screaming that he does when he's enjoying himself. 

Also, now that he can get around more, she will be quietly playing/coloring and he zooms right over to what she's doing and starts trying to eat her toys or crumples up her coloring books. So far, instead of getting too angry about it, Zoe has taken on a little mommy role, and is really good about running over to the baby toy bin and finding a toy for him, instead of the one he took from her. Or she drags him across the floor by his feet so that she has time to gather her stuff up off the ground and get it all up on the sofa or table, where he can't reach it. I'm glad she is usually so sweet and understanding about it, and am hoping that won't change anytime soon! 

This afternoon, after changing Landon on his bedroom floor, I got up to throw the diaper away in another room, and came back to Zoe scurrying down the hall with an armful of toys, where she then ran into their bedroom and closed the door. After listening for a minute outside the door and hearing them happily playing together, I rushed off to get some laundry folded. I was expecting to only have a minute or two, but instead about 5 minutes passed with nothing but happy sounds coming from behind the closed door. After folding the entire basket of laundry, I just couldn't help myself and had to peak in. 

Hahah! I was shocked to see no huge messes, and how happy they both were. I wouldn't mind more moments like these throughout the day. :)

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