Thursday, November 17, 2011

Polar Express!

A few months ago, Pat and I decided we wanted to do something a little different for Landon and Zoe's "BIG" Christmas gift this year, and bought tickets for The Polar Express, in northern Arizona. Zoe has been in love with the movie for a few years, and we wanted to get away from Thatcher for a few days and check out NAU (that's a story for another time...). Can I just say that I am sooo glad we got the chance to take this little vacation!? It was just what we needed!

Both kids had been very ill about a week before our trip was planned, and I was actually dreading our few days away from home. I imagined the 5+ hour car ride to be full of screaming, coughing, puking and... more screaming. It was actually the complete opposite. Somehow, the 5 hours in the car were more peaceful than the 2 hour trip we make to Tucson often.

We had originally booked a hotel room in Williams, but later found out that my SIL's grandfather owns a cabin that was vacant for the winter, and were told we could use it. Best thing ever! Instead of all being crammed into a hotel room, and trying to tiptoe around while Landon naps, and all the other not-so-fun things that go along with hotels, we were able to enjoy a snow filled yard, a warm, cozy fireplace, had a LOT of space, appliances to cook our own meals. Heaven!

We slept in the first morning we were there, and then played in the snow while Pat went to the grocery store. Both kids were exhausted from the snow playing, and decided they would take nice, loooong naps.

After exploring the cute little town of Williams,

we then headed back to the cabin to change into our PJs and off to the Polar Express we went!

Zoe was on cloud 9. Not only were we waiting to board a train (which she has wanted to do her "WHOLE LIFE!!"), but there was a really fun gift shop to walk around, an area were you could go get pictures taken with Mrs. Clause and write letters to Santa.

Finally it was time to board the train! We were served cookies and hot chocolate, went through a "magic tunnel", were read the story of the polar express, and then pulled up to the North Pole!

Santa boarded the train, and we passed the time waiting for him to go through all the other cars by singing Christmas songs.

And then Santa came! It was so cute to see all the kids faces light up as he stopped to chat with each of them and give them their bells. 

We had such a good time, and can't wait to go again! And what a perfect way to kick off the Christmas season (even though it is a bit early), after coming home from our little vacation, we couldn't help but put the Christmas tree and some decorations up. :)

A few random pictures:

I did not want to leave...


  1. LOVE this post (as always). I'm so glad you guys had such a good time. Maybe we can go with you guys in two years! Thanks for the great pictures,

  2. Looked like a great trip for all of you...but Christmas decorations already?!
