Wednesday, November 9, 2011

As promised!

After being hassled ( ;P ) by my sister, I am finally going to take a few minutes to sit down and write a quick update. And what better time to do it than when I am sitting at home, as worried as can be and trying to pass the time. Pat came home early from work this evening to take Landon to the Emergency Room. Weren't they just there!? I guess it has been a few months. It hasn't been confirmed yet, but I am 99% sure that my sweet little guy has croup. 

While I know we are promised no more than we can handle, I seriously feel I'm just about at my limit. Please oh please can this be it for awhile? I know I have needed to learn to be thankful for what we DO have and not harbor on all the bad things, but I think I've learned my lesson. 

Both kids have been sick, sleepless and uncomfortable on and off for the last few weeks, ranging from teething pain to full on throwing up, high fever, coughing. Taking care of them has filled up my days and nights very well, pushing me farther and farther behind in school. Throw a heap of financial stress on top of that, and that turns me into a not very fun person to be around. BUT! I am so grateful for the fact that things could be much worse, but aren't. I'm grateful for our amazing families, and all the love and support they give us. I could go on and on. I won't though.

Now, a few quick pictures.

I sadly didn't get very many pictures from Halloween night. Zoe wanted to dress up as Tinkerbell, so we went around that theme with Landon being Peter Pan and Pat and I were pirates. 

Really don't like this one, but the only picture I got of Pat.

Could they get any cuter!?

I have such a hard time getting Zoe to do a "normal" smile when the camera comes out.

My horrible attempt at a pirate face. ;)

A good shot of the beautiful, fairy wings. 


  1. Things WILL get better, I am sure of it. I'll be down there in a jiffy if you ever need. Thanks for the fun pictures. I actually love that one of you and Pat. You look gorgeous and he looks super handsome. And, of course, those chitlins are beyond adorable in their costumes. I love the one where Landon is peaking at you from the side. So cute. THANKS!

  2. It looks like the pirates have matching hoop earrings. And feel free to go on and on about your wonderful families...
