Monday, July 4, 2011

"Happy Firework Day!"

As promised, I will update quickly about Pat's promotion. After being at this new job for about 3 weeks, he was approached by the top 2 chefs and told that there was a new chef position opening up and that they wanted him to have it. He still had to go through all the resume/application/interview nonsense, just to make it legit, but as of Thursday it was official! He started training for the new position on Friday, and will continue to, probably, for the next few weeks. This great opportunity couldn't have come at a better time. While it does change our fall semester plans a LOT, I am not complaining. One bit. We will both continue with school in the fall.

Pat took Zoe to the parade. I'm enjoying a few relaxing moments while Landon naps. He has been extra tired this past week. Overall, he is sleeping better at night (still waking up 2-4 times. But that is MUCH better) but no matter what I try, Zoe has been waking up bright and early and climbing into his crib, where he is still asleep, to play with him. Hopefully I will find someway to end this soon, so that he can sleep in and be more cheerful in the mornings.

We made our 4th of July shirts a few days ago.

I found this great idea for Landon's here.

And I had seen the idea for Zoe's and my shirt on Family Fun. I think. But ours were really fun (and easy) to make, so she was able to do her's by herself.

I wish I had taken more pictures of the process. We used pipe cleaners, twisted together in the middle then spread out to make the firework shape, dipped them in paint and on the shirt it went.

Hopefully we will get a nice picture of the 4 of us tonight in our red-white-and-blue shirts! :) Hope everyone has a fun and safe 4th of July! Wishing we could be spending it with family.

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