Saturday, April 30, 2011

Take-along Landon

I just have to make a quick post about this sling. My sweet sissy-in-law got it for me before Landon was born. I didn't have much success using it when he was a tiny little guy. But now Landon and I both can't get enough of it.

I used the baby bjorn a lot with Zoe and really liked it. But this is SO much easier. Just a simple piece of fabric. Landon loves to just hang out in it. And it seems so much more comfortable for him than just hanging there in the bjorn. If he loves being held as much as Zoe did (or wait... does!), I will be using this for a looong time.

1 comment:

  1. Good I am glad it works for you! I never had luck with the slings. Maybe i will have to try this one IF I ever need one again ;)
